Culturally Modified Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, February 22, 23, and 24; 2023

Training Overview:
This three-part virtual training provides an overview of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as well as cultural enhancements to TF-CBT for Latinx children and families, screening and assessment in TF-CBT, instruction and practice on how to implement the treatment components, and strategies for recognizing and addressing Secondary Traumatic Stress. A wide variety of treatment resources and interventions will be explained, and cultural and developmental factors with an emphasis on working with Latinx children and families will be demonstrated throughout the training. This training and consultation series meets eligibility requirements for National TF-CBT Certification (go to for more information).

Cost of Training and 12 Consultation Calls:
$400 per participant.

Dates of Training:
February 22, 23, and 24, 2023, from 9am-1:30pm PT/10am-2:30pm MT/11am-3:30pm CT/12-4:30pm ET each day

Registration for this training is closed.

Please contact Alison at to discuss options for future trainings.


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